“Oils”: A Thanksgivukkah Miracle (“Royals” Song Parody)


By Big Teeth Productions

Big Teeth Productions is a creative production studio, giving life to original content that tells stories, delivers messages and sells products.



  1. Mark - November 23, 2013

    The soloists have beautiful voices. I’d like to hear them sing a serious song.

  2. Gregg Jaffe (@bigteethvideo) - November 24, 2013

    All of the singing was one person. Her name is Kate Steinberg and you can hear her other music here: https://soundcloud.com/katesteinbergmusic.

    And I agree, she is excellent.

    Big Teeth Productions

  3. Kaulkin Ginsberg - November 25, 2013

    […] This year, the first night of Hanukah is on Thanksgiving Thursday so those of us who celebrate get double the fun.  To get this festive week started on a fun note, I am sharing this amusing video that my mom sent to me.  I think it is worth passing along. Click h… […]

  4. Sunny - November 27, 2013

    Very interesting and fun to see. Extremely well done. Thank you for sharing this with us. Definitely worth passing along and a very fun way to start the holiday. This year my birthday is on Thanksgiving (isn’t always), so thank you for my Thanksgivukkahbdy gift.
