Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) President Barry Shrage schools us on the real story of Thanksgivukkah.
Combined Jewish Philanthropies (CJP) President Barry Shrage schools us on the real story of Thanksgivukkah.
From a Catholic, thanks for the explanation. What body, scholarly group or other authority will decide when and how much...
We've never tried that before but in our experience the potatoes turn brown once grated. You can try keeping them...
just went looking for a turknorah when i was really looking for a menurkey-who knew?
Very interesting and fun to see. Extremely well done. Thank you for sharing this with us. Definitely worth passing along...
Here's another song option - "Kvelling For Thanksgivukkah"
Every day, Malka Benjamin wakes up and transforms herself into Mary Warren, an actual person from the 17th century.
For the first time since the 1800s, the first full day of Hanukkah coincides with Thanksgiving Day this year, and according to many in the Jewish community, the two holidays have much more in common than just a calendar date. They both celebrate gratitude, community, and religious tolerance.
From PBS Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
Seeking connections and common themes between Thanksgiving and Hanukkah will enhance kids’ understanding and experience of both holidays.
Coming together in the kitchen and around the table are some of the best ways to build lasting memories, create family traditions and continue the centuries-old rituals of the Jewish people.
If you’re not planning to travel for Thanksgiving this year, consider throwing a dinner party with friends who will also be in town.